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If it was up to me, I'd kill them but the government doesn't allow that.’Įmmerdale's Paige Sandhu stuns in a mint green dress adorned with crystals as she attends the British Soap Awards after Villain of the Year nomination One member allegedly said: ‘We do not like homosexuals.

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Russian online newspaper Lenta met with some people who have joined the ‘Occupy Pedofilyaj’ campaign earlier this month. He tells the group who he is, where he is from, what school he goes to and his age.Īt the end of the video, one member of the group urinates into a bottle and attempts to pour it over his head, and another kicks him. The boy admits that he is there to have sex, he admits his sexual preferences and gives all of his details. The LGBT group has pointed to a video on YouTube allegedly showing a group of masked youths interrogating a nervous looking 15-year-old in a housing estate.ĭuring the video, according to a translation by The Huffington Post, the group asks him if he is there to meet ‘Uncle Dima’. It is believed that the homophobic group found the teenager through Russian social network by looking through the same-sex adverts

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